Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fall registration begins...

Fall registration is already upon us of the online variety at Berkeley College. I'll admit it, though; I'm excited. One reason is I'm halfway to the finish line. The second reason is that I'm eager to see what classes they have to offer for both the fall and winter quarters. I understand that I'll have to take other computer courses, and I'm eager to start applying some of them at work.

I also got a chance to read the Finance and Accounting message board, and I got a response back from the individual who was wondering how to keep his/her job in a competitive job market, thanking me for the information I provided. I'm always glad when I can be of help to someone else, especially when it's a situation that I'm familiar with. It's hard to find--and keep--one's place in this time of economic downturn. So keeping your skills up-to-date and marketable is a must.

In line with that, we have been asked in our Human Resource Management class to devise a plan of action for relocation, as well as to consider staffing options for those positions where about 30% of our staff chooses not to relocate with us. If managers/human resources hire people who have competitive skills in today's job market, then the transition from one location to another would be a smooth one.

Reading Aleksandra's blog, I guess I'm sort of glad I didn't get to go to Six Flags this July. I'm sorry to all of the staff and student body who experienced what they did, and hopefully this can be chalked up to one bad experience.

And reading Vanessa's blog, I must say that I am BerkAlert ready. I actually got the voicemail first, then I checked my email. It is true; one never knows what can go wrong, and it can go wrong quickly. So fellow students, if you are not ready now, GET READY. You don't want to be left out of the loop concerning important announcements.

1 comment:

~Aleksandra~ said...

Hi there! Yes, be very glad you did not go. It was a huge waste of time and money. Six Flags just isn't what it used to be.