Saturday, August 23, 2008

Everything takes some getting used to....

Well, it took some getting used to, but I finally am able to follow the formats for the GHAs in Management249 with little to no problems this time. It really takes a lot of study, a review of the information, and really putting things into one's own words and/or understanding. This is what we seem to do more of at Berkeley than at any other school I've been to. I feel that you get a better understanding of the information that way, when you're encouraged to put it into your own words and understanding. The students who succeed in class aren't necessarily the ones who read the material, but the ones who can explain and apply the material.

We already have our assignment for next week for statistics, and I am going to study it very carefully, as usual. It has to do with the normal distribution, and I'm sure that once I see a few examples of the material, as well as trying out a few of the problems on my own, that I'll be able to almost perfectly master that section, as well.

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