Wednesday, November 28, 2007

So I got an e-mail early this morning for a student survey, which I gladly and promptly completed. It's nice to know that Berkeley cares what we think (hence the polls and surveys like this). For me, this is what school should be all about: the exchange of thoughts and ideas, not just with fellow students, but with the faculty, as well. That way, the full benefit of the college experience is realized (kinda reminds me of the new movie coming out, "The Great Debaters").

And this week's Business math lessons is on financial statements and ratios. We had to look up some information on the stock market and terms that we had never heard before, like front-end load. This term was unfamiliar to me in my previous business and accounting courses. I like that Professor Luing has us doing more of our own research; that way, when we really grasp the information in the end, we can say we really hand a hand in our own success. I am confident that I will have more opportunities like this as I continue my education with Berkeley College.

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