Friday, November 2, 2007

A disadvantage to learning online....

It didn't even hit me until I got to work this morning and our server went down that I considered the downside of online learning: computer malfunctions. If you don't have a chance to save your work on a backup disk before submitting it to your professors and the system goes down, that's a whole lot of work to be redone.

Both our regular and administrative websites went down, and people were calling in and asking what could be done to register their kids. And I thought about that in relation to attempting to do coursework online and/or registering for classes for successive quarters online. What if, in the middle of registering for a class, power goes out in your house and you have to wait until the power comes back up and when you go to register for the class, you find that it's closed? Or, what if you've typed a really long essay for one of your professors, only to have to re-type it or re-submit your work?

Fortunately, I've submitted my work right away to my professors so that this hasn't happened. But it is a thought that I've never considered before now. All the same, the benefits outweigh the negatives, and it's a viable alternative to anyone planning to enter (or even re-enter) school that doesn't have time to set foot on campus. And the Berkeley professors and advisors are the greatest; they take even your smallest concerns seriously and work with you to give you a schedule that meets your educational needs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

do u enjoy doing berkeley college online..?i'm guessing u don't have an accessable computer but do u suggest if someone was to do berkeley online to get a laptop? plz let me know your opinion