Friday, November 23, 2007

I actually saw my picture on the Berkeley College website under the heading "Meet The Berkeley Bloggers"!!! It's something of a big deal, considering I've never had my picture posted on the Internet before. But it's nice to note that it's for something positive, like promoting Berkeley College to prospective students. I'm already looking forward to the next quarter, when I can more fully immerse myself in campus life and have more to share with students coming in and students considering Berkeley.

I really would like to join one of the clubs that the school offers, such as the Finance Club that I saw advertised on the bulletin board at the Newark Campus, or the International Club that I see posted on the Blackboard often. It would help to broaden my view and scope of the world around me, instead of being limited to just one of of the world (my view). As the title of one album says, there is a 'world outside my window'.

But even if I can't do it now, I can certainly urge other students (first-time or otherwise) to do so for themselves, especially while they're young and have no other pressing responsibilities outside of school. Pay attention to the e-mails that you receive from Berkeley College regarding different activities that are offered on-campus. The polls are another avenue in which you can participate in the Berkeley College experience (particularly if you're online); these polls are really the voice of the student body. For instance, there was a recent poll regarding freedom of speech. It was nice to see that most (if not all) of us shared our views on how far we should extend freedom of speech.

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