Saturday, January 17, 2009

My first Sociology GHA...

I am proud to say that I got an 84!!! It wasn't actually that hard, though; most of it was based on information that we should all become familiar with before we're even given our homework assignments. The test was made up of multiple choice and true/false questions based on Course Information, Course Documents, Assignments, and our class syllabus. Truthfully, it would've been hard NOT to pass this GHA. I am glad, though, that I took a few minutes to read over the course information and become familiar with it.

Speaking of which, I am going to be re-reading the chapters in my statistics book just before the first test that deals with gathering information and data. I didn't get a response from the teacher for this discussion board, so I don't know if I did well or did poorly. I do know one thing, though: whatever mistakes the professor brings to my attention, I'll be sure to store it in my mind so that I don't repeat these same mistakes on the test. Homework really is a practice session for any tests that you'll take in class; and ultimately for any tests you may have to take when interviewing for a job (because many temporary agencies and corporations are now requiring employees to take on-the-spot tests). And if you learn from your mistakes so that you don't repeat them on a test or at a job interview, you'll benefit yourself in the long run.

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