Thursday, January 15, 2009

Berkeley cares!!!

So one of the great things I've noticed about Berkeley College is their commitment to excellence; I've also noticed their involvement with things that are for our benefit not only as students, but as functioning citizens of society. From their Project GreenPath to The Healthy Cafe Club, I've come to realize that Berkeley wants us to succeed in every aspect of our lives.

The latest Smoke-Out day yesterday is proof of that. Smoking is not only detrimental to the person doing the smoking, but to others around him or her, not to mention the environment. My mother stopped smoking a few years ago, and she's never felt better. So with this is mind, I'm going to find a way to get the point across to my brother without it sounding like I'm nagging him. I think that the tips found during the Smoke-Out will help me to help him in the right direction.

I also love Berkeley College's commitment to finding a cure for juvenile diabetes. Diabetes is a terrible disease that can take its toll in many different ways, and can ultimately be fatal. So I applaud Berkeley for always giving attention to this matter.

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