Friday, January 9, 2009

Creating a homepage....

So by now, I'm old hat at this. I have been asked to create a homepage for my sociology class this term. I actually like creating a homepage, because it gives students and professors an opportunity to know a little more about me. We were asked to do the usual (give our names, our backgrounds, our majors, and how long we had been attending Berkeley College--as well as any additional information we wanted people to know). I think this will be an interesting class and that I'll learn a lot from each and every student (I still have to get the book; long story that I won't get into. Let's just say that I really wish I remembered my password for the Berkeley College online bookstore).

As for statistics, it turns out that I have one of the same professors that I had for a class two quarters ago. He recognized me, too, and said that I had done well in answering this week's discussion question. I have a feeling that I'm going to turn things around this quarter; yes, it will still require me to study, study, study, but I'm more optimistic in terms of the studying paying off. I'm going to work like never before and remember that statistics isn't algebra.

Risk management is an interesting area of Finance, in that it deals primarily with the types of risks incurred in any situation and the methods of managing risk (or handling risk with the least amount of damage or loss occurring). This information is valuable, particularly for those of us going out into the workforce when we graduate, look to purchase cars for the first time, or look to purchase homes and start families. I'm looking forward to this quarter, and I'm hoping all of my fellow students do well.

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