Saturday, March 8, 2008

So I just turned in my business report for my Business Communications course. I made a few errors regarding some of the requirements for the paper, but overall, I pretty much followed the guidelines to the letter. My topic of concern was preventing business fraud and profit losses. Most people would be surprised to know that the bottom line of a business is often affected not by supply and demand of a product or service, but by procedures of employees and management. Some of it is just administrative error that can be corrected; however, oftentimes it is internal fraud and/or theft and must be prevented in order to continue to ensure the success of a business.

Also in my business communication class, we are learning about how to effectively listen to a presentation, since this is one of the many barometers that can guarantee the success or failure rate of an implemented plan. We also discussed preventing internal or external stimuli from allowing our minds to wander or to take our attention away from the information being presented to us. We also discussed nonverbal communication in additional to listening and hearing, such as facial expressions and certain body movements. We want these face and body movements to accurately reflect how we feel about a situation.

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