Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I just completed my last assignment for CIS 125, and now I want to take even more Office 2007 courses. I'm just thirsty for knowledge, like a person lost in the hot, arid desert looking for one decent sip of water. Besides, the projects I've completed were a lot of hard work, but also a lot of fun. This helps me with regard to my own job at work, where I've recently taken on more responsibility. I'm learning the accounts receivable feature on the software we have at work, and with Excel and other Microsoft Office applications, the limits to what could be done at work is boundless.

My next assignments include a final GHA for business communication, covering three chapters. I really enjoyed this class, because it helps me to see how I should not only conduct myself in a business setting, but also how to communicate in a business setting so that I make myself heard without offending others. At the same time, it also teaches us how to be good listeners, as being a good listener and taking to heart what you hear almost always goes hand-in-hand with advancement at work.

As I'm in the final stretches of this semester, I'm a little grateful for the two-week reprieve, but all the same, I'm excited to see what this next semester holds for me. Philosophy turned out to be much more than I expected, but in a good way. Algebra, on the other hand, will continue to be a challenge for me (particularly linear equations). That's one course where I KNOW I'm gonna have to bog down and study, study, study.

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