Friday, October 26, 2007

So I'm all set for the winter quarter...

I'm all signed up for the next quarter, and I'm taking the following classes:

CIS 125
SOC 105
BUS 265
HUM 220 (Philosophy)

It's amazing; I feel like I just signed up for the fall quarter, and here the winter quarter is almost upon us. But at least I've gotten it done early and not waited until the absolute last minute like I used to--and then wonder why I couldn't get the classes I wanted. I tried to keep most of the classes in line with my current major. I'm considering possibly taking courses in the summer, as well. But that isn't until another quarter or two. Now that I've selected my classes, I can get an early start on getting the books I need for the quarter (and getting the Dell laptop computer so that I don't have to try and get all my homework done before it gets extremely busy where I work; ironically, we're preparing for registration for classes, too).

A little off subject, but I'm hoping I can also get involved with some of the student activities on some of the Berkeley campuses in succeeding quarters. They seem fun and educational all at the same time.

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