Monday, October 20, 2008

This finance class is helping me so much....

So for finance, we've been building a financial plan, based on our income, assets, and outflows of cash. Well, I've figured out a way to beef up savings immediately, and I can use this next paycheck to do it. I've decided to pay off my credit cards with the lowest balances first, so that there's no longer a need for that money to go out of my account. Sure, it's one credit card at a time, but once they're all paid off and I stick to a budget and buy what I can afford with cash only, then I'll start to see a rise in savings. Self-control and budgeting is the key. And the neat thing is that the book we're using came with a notepad for writing down everything we spend money on daily. This is good for those of you interested in a career in the business and finance field.

In marketing, we discussed the influence of marketing and labeling as a means to attract customers. The one company we focused on was Rockstar Video, who are responsible (and might I add, in a BAD way--though you can be sure it's just my opinion) for the creation of the game "Vice City". We talked about the case where two youngers were arrested for going on a killing spree; and when asked why they did what they did, they cited boredom and being influenced by the aforementioned game. The Chief Operating Officer, of course, stated that it was not his responsibility to parent and that the M rating alone should suffice; otherwise the government would be stifling "free speech" and "creative expression". He also went on to say that the game was for adult males who wanted to release tension. In an age where disregard and disrespect for life is all too rampant, we don't need video games reminding us of the grim realities of life or continuously targeting women and minorities, stating that it's just harmless fun. This is what the two youngsters stated; yet, these people can't come back in the next round. They're dead. This is also something for those interested in marketing to consider, as well.

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