Friday, October 24, 2008

The feminization of love....

In sociology (Marriages and Families), we are discussing love and loving relationships and how love is multi-faceted and different for different situations. One of the things we also discusses was the feminization of love, which focuses more on feminine qualities of love and excludes the masculine, rarely noticed masculine qualities. The feminization of love suggests that by focusing exclusively on the female emotions and actions of love, we exclude men's loving contributions to a relationship simply because they show their love in different ways.

The chapter also discussed the maddening double standard: men who can date as many women as possible without commitment and be considered a "stud", "the man", etc. But a woman who does so is not as respected, and this is a concern to many because it hinders the development of love. In fact, it is suggested that this double standard creates a lack of mutual trust and respect.

Going further into the chapter, we also read about jealous and stalking; stalking is defined as behaviors that invade a person's privacy and cause fear (such as telephone harrassment and surveillance). With the advancement of technology also comes cyberstalking, which is threatening behavior or unwanted advances using e-mail, instant messaging, and other electronic communications devices.

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