Thursday, October 30, 2008

The roles of men and women in society....

So this week, we're expounding on the topic of relationships and certain "roles" that men and women are expected to play in society. Without going too much into detail or getting too explicit, we again have the glaring--and maddening--double standard, which suggests that it's okay for a man to engage in certain behaviors, but is frowned down upon if women engage in this same behavior. It all goes back to upbringing in the families; boys are encouraged to express themselves freely and are permitted to engage in certain activities; while girls are supposed to be nice, quiet, and dainty. Should a girl show any signs of aggression, she could be viewed unfavorably by not only family and friends, but by society as a whole.

This is of concern for those of us in school or the workplace. When we enter the workplace, if people continue to hold to these perceptions of what is acceptable behavior for men and what's acceptable behavior for women, then we will continue to have issues of sex and gender come up in the workplace, such as sexism, sexual harrassment, and other related issues. I remember going over this information at work and the gentleman I worked with told me that for what I do, this type of course is necessary. And he's right; it's only by understanding our co-workers and our clientele and what they define as "normal" behavior for themselves and their families that we can satisfactorily meet their needs. And this is interrelated in the other two courses that I'm taking, as well.

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