Tuesday, January 15, 2008

So we read about Socrates in our Philosophy class under the topic "Plato's Apology", and it was very interesting to note that even though Socrates was able to refute the reasonings of some of his critics, he still wasn't able to escape his death sentence. His general point was that not everyone was as smart as he or she deemed him or herself, and that the truly wise person understood that. But to admit to that would be to relinquish a sort of mind control over the people. This is what people seek to do today--control what people think and how they think. The media, our nation's leaders--all in some way seek the approval and the confidence of the people at all costs, even to the detriment of the country.

In sociology this week, we're learning about groups and cults (this should be pretty interesting to read about and comment on, for everyone has their own ideas about which groups would fall under this definition). We're also learning about Maslow's hierarchy of needs (which was also discussed in psychology), as well as forming, storming, norming, reforming, and adjourning. I also got a 100 on my first GHA last week for sociology, which is a little surprising considering how last minute I was with the reading (although I don't intend to continue in that vein), but welcome nonetheless. I wonder if Berkeley has an honor roll. But it's just satisfying to me to be able to explain the information in a way that shows I understand the material.

Business 265 is not quite what I expected, in a good way. I thought it would be almost like Business 110 (which was Business Math), but it's more about reading and comprehending business topics and terms. I'm just waiting for the book for that class, but so far, I've managed to keep up with the assignments and discussion boards.

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