Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Philosophy professor is truly an example of patient, understanding teachers here at Berkeley College. There was a slight mix-up with the text, and he has graciously availed us of the chapters that we need in the External Links section of Blackboard, in order to keep up with the class assignments. This is wonderful, for I have still not been able to get ahold of the book, and I do not want to fall far behind in this class.

As for sociology and business, things couldn't be better. In sociology, we are learning about individualism vs. collectivism, and questioning whether or not the U.S. is excessively me-oriented (I say yes; big cars, expensive clothes, and power jobs just scream "look at me!!!"). While there's nothing wrong with having success in your life, there needs to be balance. There are those people who shamelessly promote self (even within family units, sad to say).

In business, we are learning about the advances in technology and how they affect businesses today. With the advent of e-mail, fax machines, cellular phones, the Internet, paying a bill or communicating with someone is as simple as a few clicks of the mouse or leaving a message in their voicemail (as opposed to the former method of writing down a message and run the risk of it being lost). I'd certainly say that these things make life easier for me not only at work, but also at home.

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