Saturday, January 5, 2008

So I just posted my first assignments for SOC105. I really feel like I'm going to enjoy this class. The professor really seems to want our input--so much so that her first assignment for us was to create a personal homepage. I don't know how well I did in conveying my personal interests, but I do hope that my classmates get a sense of me as a person, and vice versa. I have taken a sociology class before, but never have I been asked to create a personal page. It really shows how Berkeley College is keeping up with technology, because nowadays, everything is done over the Internet and on the computer.

Also, with my Business 265 class, we introduced ourselves and we were asked to comment on how we felt that job or educational status played a part in our we viewed ourselves and each other. I saw a lot of surprising revelations from some of my fellow classmates as to what they encountered at work and at school. Some have encountered supervisors and CEOs (as well as professors) who felt it their bound-in duty to humiliate those who either did not have the education or job titles that people tend to respect. I, too, encountered a manager like that where I used to work. His word was law, and if you didn't like it, "Oh, well, find another job!!!" So we'll be looking for ways to communicate effectively with our co-workers and other staff members, maintaining a positive and productive workplace.

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