Monday, September 21, 2009

A new quarter awaits...

This quarter, I'll be taking Finance 405--Retirement Planning; Finance 41o--Estate Planning; and Humanities 310--Drama. I already ordered my books for the upcoming quarter, as well, so that I don't have to try and play catch-up with the work the first and second weeks. My thought is this: if you fall behind even one iota, you'll miss something substantial and have to work that much harder to play catch up. So ordering the books ahead of time so that they'll be ready when class starts is a smart idea.

And if you want to know exactly which books you'll be needing for classes, you can always go to the online bookstore at, click the link for the online bookstore, click the arrow for "buy textbooks"; then, in the pull-down menu, click the campus you'll be attending (if online, simply click online), the course and sections you'll be taking, and it will give you the title of the book you'll be needing for that class in that particular term, and on that particular campus. This method is not one hundred percent accurate, though, so you may want to check back when your newer classes are posted to Blackboard and verify that you are purchasing the correct textbooks. There is nothing worse than having to re0rder a book and waste precious time.

And speaking of which, do not waste any more time registering for classes if you haven't done so already (although I can't imagine why you haven't; life gets in the way, sure, but take it from me and don't let it get in the way of your education). Financial assistance is certainly available if you need it; all you need do is get in contact with Advisement and let them know which courses you're interested in. They'll help you from there. And I must mention the late fee that you're going to incur, but take it as a lesson learned for next time; and also, think of it as a small investment in your future.

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