Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Less than a week away!!!

The new quarter's starting, and I feel like a little kid on her way to Disneyland. But that's how learning should be; you should always be excited to learn something new. This quarter, I'll be learning about drama and estate planning, among other things. I've actually already started reading ahead in my textbook for estate planning, and it's very interesting and detailed; you have to be VERY particular about how you want your assets divided up when you die. If not, it can be disastrous for all involved, including family members. I haven't yet received the textbook for retirement planning, but it should be here shortly.

Speaking of textbooks, this drama book is a lot bigger and heavier than I thought it would be. I thought it would be about the size of the fiction textbook that I needed for summer quarter. It's about the size of a phone book!!! I can only gather that we'll be doing plenty of reading of various plays and/or short stories. I may even see some old favorites in this book. I plan to get started a week early on this reading assignment, too. I don't want to take the chance of falling behind with my busy schedule. Without going into too much detail, I've accepted another responsibility, so I have to be extremely careful about how I use my study time. That means no languishing, no matter how tired I am. I'm going to make myself do the assignments, thoroughly and on time. Now that I'm pinpointed my problem from the past few quarters, this quarter will be even more different.

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