Friday, September 4, 2009

I love the Berkeley Blue Card!!!

This is a great way to get your refund without worrying about a check getting lost in the mail; the money is right there in your HigherOne OneAccount, and you can use it for school-related expenses, like schoolbooks and/or technical equipment needed for online or other courses. For instance, you can use Berkeley Blue card the same way you use a regular MasterCard for online purchases; you would be able to just purchase your schoolbooks from the Online Book Store, as well as other education essentials. So if you've been sent a Berkeley Blue card, I urge you to consider having your refund sent directly to your card; the money's right there when you need it.

However, having touted the benefits of having everything done electronically, my next persuasive speech for Oral Communication will deal with how to curtail excessive use of the Internet and other electronic gadgets. As a society, we've come far in the advancements we've made, but somewhere along the line, we've gotten away from personal human contact. So my speech will deal with ways to help us to get back to personal human contact while still utilitizing these items--but not becoming slaves to these gadgets.

Again, I just want to say, if you haven't registered, GET ON IT!!! Some of you may have to pay the late registration fee, but do it and get registered and take it as a lesson learned (believe me, I speak from experience with regard to late registration). Don't miss out on registering for classes and lose your motivation and excitement for school.

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