Friday, December 5, 2008

Two more weeks and a new quarter starts....

Where has the time gone? I guess it's true what they say: Time sure flies when you're having fun....although I wouldn't exactly call this semester a barrel of laughs (I've really struggled through some tough stuff this quarter). But it has flown quickly, and I look forward to being challenged academically, as well as really participating in club activities and really immersing myself in other school activities, like trips and on-campus mixers.

This week we're turning in our "Creating Your Own Financial Plan" project for Finance; I've really learned a lot about myself and how I can accumulate savings and get the most out of my money with regard to short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals.

In Sociology, we learned about family life and work. We also discussed the roles of women in the workplace and how we've made some advancements, but still have some struggles. Women are often underemployed, particularly if they have children. The reason for this is because of inadequate and/or unaffordable child care options; many mothers are working part-time to either contribute to the household or to run it. They cannot afford the luxury of full-time care on a part-time salary; on the other hand, if they work full-time, they cannot afford to spend time with their children and watch them grow from day to day.

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