Friday, December 12, 2008

I have to take Statistics again...

I'm prepared this time, though; I'll have my TI-83 ready for class, and I'm really going to make a concerted effort to understand the material better this time, as I really want to pass the course this time around. I know I'm not an idiot, but I really didn't take to the information the first time around, and it showed. I did well on some homework assignments, but for the most part, I lacked an understanding of the material. Am I embarrassed to share these things with you, Berkeley students? No, because each experience is a teaching tool for me to learn and to grow from. For instance, this term, I learned that no matter what adversities I face, I still have a goal and a vision that I want to achieve; and that I've come too far to let anything stop me now. I've invested time and energy into making sure that I don't make the same mistake of jumping ship when things get hectic. Again--and this bears repeating--this can help one to develop a strong work ethic.

I'm basically done with Finance for this term, with the exception of a discussion board and a survey that I have to complete. I could've done better on my financial plan, but I can always review and adjust it for future use. I will always take what I've learned from this class and put it to good use, because the information that I obtained is invaluable. In fact, anyone can benefit from the practical information found in both the textbook readings and the financial plans. And the discussions were always very interesting and spirited; apparently, I'm not the only one who can benefit more from bringing lunch to work and healthy snacks, as opposed to frequenting the vending machine. I look forward to what the new quarter will bring.

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