Saturday, December 6, 2008

FINALLY!!! I'm set for the new quarter....

Yes, I finally hunkered down and checked my e-mails and registered for classes for next quarter. I know I probably shouldn't be sharing this information with people, but in a way, it's good for me and for prospective students who might be in a similar situation--whether it's their first time in school or they're re-entering the educational system. This quarter has been a true testament to my endurance and the belief that if I want something bad enough, then nothing can dissuade me. Truthfully, this is one of the most trying quarters I've had since my enrollment at Berkeley College, and if there were ever a time for me to give up and throw in the towel, this would be it. But I haven't, and I won't. Life is going to be full of setbacks and challenges, and how you handle things when you're in school will determine how you handle life's problems.

Which brings me to my Marriage and Families class; this class is a good one that helps prepare us for the real world and deal with issues as they pertain to young men and women who either hope to enter the workforce when they graduate or be stay-at-home parents (men are starting to make up more of the parents who stay home with their children while their wives work). This class has taught me that many women have many roles: wife, mother, employee, etc. and can successfully balance them if she has the training and life experience to deal with such situations. But it is also helpful for single students who are in the workforce while trying to balance schoolwork with work and home life.

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