Friday, October 30, 2009

"Miss Julie" is a rather sad read/Finance

I thought it would be among the more humorous lines of "Tartuffe" by Moliere, but it was definitely not. It started out somewhat humorous, but took a dramatic turn by the end of the story. The story really is about Miss Julie: her likes, her dislikes, her loves, her hates, her fears, her desires, her contradictions. She first comes across as a manipulative, selfish young lady, who tricks men into doing her bidding for her. It is discovered during the story that Miss Julie has come by her personality because of her mother, who has empowered her to not be controlled by any man. However, she has also done her daughter a disservice; Miss Julie does not know how to love the men in her life properly. She hates them, yet has a weakness for them. She also wants to be common like her mother, yet not lose her importance in society (her father is a Count). It really is a good read, at any rate.

In Finance 410 this week, we're discussing the importance of a power of appointment. A power of appointment is a necessary, important part of a will that will allow someone other than the client/estate holder to make decisions regarding his or her estate and any other properties. This is necessary to diffuse family disagreements and other potential entanglements with regard to the client's estate.

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