Monday, October 19, 2009

Love doesn't hurt!!!!

Let me say this again, Berkeley students: love doesn't hurt. As I posted earlier, this month is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (also Breast Cancer Awareness Month), and we at the Healthy Cafe online club are discussing domestic violence of all sorts: violence against men, against, women, and against children. We are also discussing ways in which the victim can get help, as well as how the abuser can get help.

There's an ongoing poll on Blackboard right now with regard to domestic violence, and the poll results are showing that a little more than half of those attending our campuses right now have been the victims of domestic violence at some point. This is completely unacceptable and inexcusable. We need to arm ourselves with the necessary information so that we are able to protect ourselves and our loved ones, including pets. I mention pets because during other research on domestic violence, it has been shown that the victims of domestic violence can include our pets. Think about it: if a man (or woman) can hurt you without blinking an eye or showing any remorse, what about a voiceless animal who oftentimes cannot defend itself against violent blows--from either an abusive owner or an owner's abusive significant other?

Also, with regard to children: if we notice that a child is behaving aggressively toward other children, we want to watch for signs that an adult may be abusing the child. Perhaps if the child is mimicking behaviors during playtime that are indicative of what is happening to him at home, a trusted adult could be notified, and the situation given the proper attention. While this may not necessarily be true of all children (some children may mimic what is shown to them on television), it is worthy of concern.

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