Saturday, May 23, 2009

The more challenges I face....

The more successful I'm sure I'll be in business. This Access assignment covers weeks 7 & 8, and it is a really challenging assignment. But I like challenging assignments; they allow me to work that much harder to successfully conquer that information and complete the tasks assigned. Each assignment is just a building block to the next assignment, and if even if you have to refer back to the previous assignment once or twice, once it clicks, it sticks. And as they--and I--always say: Practice makes perfect. I'm hoping to be able to use my new knowledge at my current position to move up the ranks, or to take my newly acquired skills to another place of employment and advance in my career.

Speaking of advancement in careers, this week's topic in feminism is a pretty spirited one. We are talking about the disparities with regard to men and women in the workplace and how certain fields are still pretty much dominated by males. We also discussed how even when women enters these arenas, they are still not given the proper compensation or even challenging work to do, despite their education and qualifications for these positions. This is something that we all have to work to change; there will never be true equality for anyone if one group is continually looked at as inferior and treated as such in virtually all aspects of life.

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