Friday, April 10, 2009

Oral Communication....

I'm thinking that I may have to switch to another course, as the webcam that I purchased for this course is not compatible with Windows Vista; I'm going to try it on another computer, though, and see if that works. I don't want to fail the course because of a technical issue. It's a shame, too, because I was looking forward to seeing some of the faces behind the posts to Blackboard. But I'm not going to give it up just yet. I will find a way around this. I'm not one for giving in easily.

I also bought a Flash drive for saving my Access files. As I may have mentioned earlier (or maybe not), it holds so much more than a regular floppy disk, and you can store backup files in the event of a power failure or computer crash. With online courses, you're tempted to just store the files on your computer's hard drive. This is dangerous thinking; for instance, if you're working on a project for one of your classes and you only save it to your hard drive, what happens to your information if you have technical difficulties (computer crash because of viruses, power failure, etc.)? You have to consider every possible scenario when it comes to online learning. It is a convenience, but these are things that anyone considering online learning do well to plan ahead for.

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