Saturday, April 11, 2009

Just turned in my first Access project....

From what I previewed before I submitted it for grading, it looks exactly like the proofs our professor posted for our review. I'm actually pretty excited; I just found another use for Access in my everyday life, with regard to categorization. The other really exciting thing I learned how to do is unzip files and them save them. This is what we have to do with the student files that we need for our Access course. It was somewhat frustrating initially, but now that I know how to do it, I should have few to no problems on my next project. But just to be on the safe side, I'm going to get an early start on the next project.

With regard to my Oral Communication class, I may either have to swap classes or take an on-campus Oral communication course. I've been having such trouble trying to download the software we needed to install to set up my webcam. I just e-mailed Advisement this evening; I'm just going to wait and see what's said before I decide my next course of action. I just don't want to be viewed as someone who doesn't take her responsibilities seriously. Another thought that I probably hadn't considered as viable is calling the customer service number for the product that I purchased. I know Logitech more than likely has an 800 number, and maybe one of their technicians can help me.

My finance classes seem to be off to a good start, though. The chapters for one of my books are brief, but chock full of information. And when I apply myself, I can really benefit from the information. So I'm just gonna study, study, study and do well. As we pointed out in Statistics last term: the probability of Student A getting good grades for her work is directly proportionate to how much time and effort she puts into her studies.

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