Friday, March 27, 2009

Browsing Blackboard...

So I was browsing Blackboard this morning, and I saw a variety of interesting events coming up very shortly. The first thing I saw was the advertisement for the show "Stomp" in NYC. If the May 15 date doesn't conflict with anything else that may come up, I'll be there. In fact, I'm going to set aside the $25.00 (plus spending money) just in case. The Hip Hop Griots also looks interesting at NJPAC; however, as I have a dance recital the very next day, that would be cutting it a little too close. Besides, I don't even know when the money has to be in. But it's nice to know that I could possibly be participating in a class trip with real-life Berkeley students--as opposed to "meeting" them online.

Another thing that caught my eye was the Project GreenPath mentioning of shutting down your computer when it's not in use. Now that I have my laptop, I make it my aim to shut it down when it's not in use. Besides, I can unplug it when it's fully charged and use it by itself. I always used to leave the computer turned because it was suggested that to turn off the computer every single day and turn it on the next day took more energy than leaving it on all day and night. I see now that that was erroneous thinking, and conserving energy has to start somewhere; so why not with me? Turning off lights and the t.v. at night also helps; this conserves not only energy, but saves money, as the article suggested. I'm going to see what I can do to help out with Project GreenPath.

One other thing I want to do more of is to take more seriously the suggestions for weight loss and healthy eating at the Healthy Cafe. I've already started to notice some significant changes based on me tweaking a few habits here and there (no more high-fat, high-calorie, fried potato snacks first thing in the morning or every single day; from now on, it'll be only when I crave it), but I could do better. Let's face it, we all could. And I would be willing to share my tips with my fellow club members. After all, we have to help each other, right? This is one way to do it.

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