Monday, April 28, 2008

Well, like I mentioned in my last post, I'm understanding algebra a lot better this time around, although I'm still having a little bit of difficulty with the graphing of equations. I don't know why, but the graphs never come out the way they outline them in the book when I do them. But study, study, study and practice, practice, practice make almost perfect--at least enough for a good grade. I shouldn't be so grade-obsessed, though; my main focus should be on understanding the material. I'm still a work in progress, though, so I'm working on that.

The discussion in this past week's Finance class was an interesting one. It had to do with whether or not you could consider bonds a safe investment. My answer was yes, because you could pretty much guarantee a return on most of--if not all of--your investment; whereas with stocks, there are no guarantees. You could have it all one minute--not even a day--and lose it all the next. So even if bonds earn a lower interest rate, they incur less of a risk than stocks. But then another student brought up an interesting counterpoint that I hadn't considered, and it just made me realize that there's no such thing as a "sure thing". So the operative word here is "research"; make sure you do your homework before making any type of investment and make sure you can afford to take the loss.

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