Saturday, February 23, 2008

So last week, I was attempting to play catch up with all of my work assignments for my professors because of moving. This week, I'm all caught up and will share my thoughts on the assignments at hand in two blog entries.

The first blog entry will be devoted to my CIS 125 course. The second part of this course deals with integrated projects using different Microsoft Office 2007 software. When I first started out, I wanted to pull my hair out, seriously. It wasn't so much that it was that frustrating; it was just that it seemed like everyone else got the idea except me. So once I calmed down (key element # 1) and re-read the instructions (last week, I was just too tired to really focus on the assignment), I was able to finish both projects (I was given an extension on one of them).

But as one student pointed out, it is definitely more user-friendly in terms of completion of assignments than is the Microsoft Office 2003 software; it's just really a matter of navigation and concentration. I really foresee this type of technology as the wave of the future. A co-worker of mine confided to me that she used this type of technology when it came time to print out our company's brochures. Fascinating, huh? You can learn a lot from people of all avenues--school, work, home, etc.

Now, I know I said that this blog would be entirely devoted to my CIS 125 projects, but I can't forget about my sociology class. We are steadily working toward the completion of our final project (in fact, I was asked to look up business permit fees for starting up our business, and I was able to come up with some figures for a business that would be located in Hoboken, New Jersey). I believe we will be using PowerPoint in this project, too, so having a working knowledge of the basics of PowerPoint 2007, I feel that I will be ready in this regard.

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