Friday, April 9, 2010

Your profile.....

So I talked a bit about this a few blogs ago, based on the information posted by fellow Berkeley blogger Vanessa Gomez. But it bears repeating: guard your online reputation. Many people are not aware of how their online activities, profiles, and certain pictures (remember the one of you hugging the pinata and holding a wine glass in hand?) can influence how others view them--particularly prospective employers. As the article brings out, your reputation is earned. While you may feel that your personal life shouldn't affect how a prospective employer--and perhaps your fellow students and faculty--views you, it is very important to conduct yourself in a manner that is above reproach.

Do you really want to be viewed as the life of every party, yet nothing is ever mentioned about how well you did in school or what projects you've worked on either in school or with your current employer? This is something that can adversely affect you in the future, for prospective employers will see you as someone who doesn't take things seriously, and that can curtail your future--at least temporarily.

Work on building up a good reputation in school and/or at work, making sparing use of social networks and being sure to keep the personal elements of your life offline. You'll be grateful for it in the end.

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