Saturday, December 5, 2009

My completed research paper....

So as you all may know, I talked a great deal about doing my research paper on Moliere's "Tartuffe". I thought about how cut-and-dry it would be; I'd make my points and that would be that. However, what I ended up submitting got me to consider the story anew and from a different perspective. According to writer Liz Brent, Tartuffe was deceptive; however, the art of deception and deceptive appearances was a recurring motif throughout the story--not just with Tartuffe, but with some of the other characters, such as Elmire, Valere, Dorine, and Mariane.

She discussed the deceptive appearance of submission that the women in the household held, all the way scheming to get Orgon to see things their way and to expose Tartuffe for the liar and master manipulator that he is. She also discussed the deceptive appearances of Valere and Mariane with regard to each other; they wish to get married, but as Orgon has promised Mariane's hand in marriage to Tartuffe, they must publicly show each other indifference. So Tartuffe is not the only one who has pulled the wool over Orgon's eyes; his family has done so, as well. The only person not involved in any deception of any sort would be Cleante, who chooses to be truthful and always present an honest face. Getting this perspective really helped me to round out my term paper more.

I'm almost done with my application to be a peer to online students; I just have to figure out what I want to say about my experiences as an online student. There's so much I want to get across to the students who will be coming in and wanting help to navigate the sometimes tricky world of online learning. Perhaps in the morning, I'll be more refreshed and able to think better. But I definitely hope to be among one of the chosen.


Anonymous said...

Brim over I acquiesce in but I think the post should prepare more info then it has.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

College Research Paper said...

I appreciate the work of all people who share information with others.