Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Saying "thank you" is more than good manners....

It could ultimately mean the difference between continuing your job search and/or obtaining the desired position. In business, employers often see many applicants and plow through many resumes and cover letters. The fact that yours stands out enough for them to even consider you for employment deserves a thank-you note. Surprisingly, though, not many applicants take the time out to write a thank-you note to prospective employers. And it could be a little disheartening if you think an interview went well and another candidate is chosen. You may even think to yourself, "Write a thank-you note for what? I didn't get the job."

Even if you don't get the job, keep in mind that a thank-you note can help an employer keep you in mind for a position with the company in the future. When you take the time out to write down your appreciation for what was discussed during the interview, it shows that you have great attention to detail, which is something employers value highly. This could also make you stand out among other interviewees; the employer will be impressed that you thought enough about him or her to write a letter of appreciation.

This is just one of the many things I'm learning from my Business Placement Seminar class.

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