Saturday, August 22, 2009

I believe my internship issue may be resolved....

So I recently got a call from Berkeley College regarding my upcoming internship, and the young woman who left the message on the answering machine wanted me to get a letter from my supervisor, stating my duties as they related to the field of study I'm in. So I'm guessing that I'm going to be at my current job, doing my internship. This would be ideal; I wouldn't necessarily have to break up my current work schedule, which works well while I attend school and tend to other areas of my life. I would simply have to figure out when I would be available to help out where they need me to (or perhaps, I could even add on duties during my shift, learning new accounting functions, processing cash receipts, etc.). I just have to do it.

Meanwhile, we're continuing our discussion of the thank-you letter. We all agree that employers are impressed with a candidate who takes the time out to express appreciation for being seen and considered for employment, particularly when the employer is busy looking through and screening other applications and resumes. As my one classmate put it, a thank-you letter can leave an employer with more of a positive impression of an applicant and potential employee than can your standard, run-of-the-mill interview, complete with references and thorough knowledge of the company. I know I certainly intend to start sending thank-you letters to firms that I interview with in the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The name's Dennis, though most people call me 'Freaky'. :P I'm in my "teens" and kinda lost in the world at the moment...however, I've found the hippie "culture" and discovered that it fits me very well...I'm not trying to fit into it, it just kind of fitted onto me.
I have lots of questions, which hopefully some of the older and wiser people on this board will be able to help answer.
Here's to hoping this board will be able to help me discover more of myself and fuel my beliefs.

Peace out, Dennis from [url=]Personal Loans[/url] website!