Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Am I quick, or what?

Guess who just submitted requests for class enrollment for the fall? You guessed it....ME!!! And WELL ahead of schedule, I might add. If it hadn't been for the "tweet" that I got from Twitter, I would've forgotten about it for that time, and registration would've crept up on me like it has in past quarters (I've gotten better, though; I got my books just in time for classes to start this time). See, Twitter's not just good for following celebrities and "tweeting" between friends. You can obtain important information from Berkeley College.

Well, classes seem to be going smoothly this term for me. I don't know what it is about this summer quarter vs. last year's summer quarter, but I'm not falling behind like I was last year. Maybe the fact that I have my own personal laptop this time vs. having to share with people/take trips to the library/take trips to the school that's helping; and maybe continuing to study the information ahead of time is playing a factor. But I feel confident in saying that I'll pass all of my courses with no less than a B (I'm aiming for all A's, but no less than a B). I also feel confident in saying that I may be able to take advantage of one of the many events that Berkeley sponsors for its students. This is shaping up to be a great quarter.

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