Thursday, July 31, 2008

I made my first posting on the discussion board of the Finance and Accounting club this morning, and one of the things I posted about had to do with helping an individual stay current and inexpendable in today's waning job market. I posted to this individual that he or she should keep up with today's technology, possibly re-enrolling in college to do so if necessary. I also pointed out that a willing, cooperative spirit would make an employer more willing to hold on to an employee than would tenure (provided the employer is not asking the employee to do something unreasonable or illegal).

There was also a post regarding ideas for the fall quarter. One of our members suggested two good ideas: having a representative from Citigroup visit the campus to discuss finance with us; and another idea was to have our club compete against another club in a kickball game. I consider myself pretty good at kickball, so it would be a lot of fun. I would just have to keep my eyes open on Blackboard, as this is how I miss a lot of information.

I also recently got an email from Career Services about meeting times at the Garret Mountain Campus. I'm so disappointed that I didn't check my emails earlier; I would've taken the time needed to go down to West Paterson for the day. Again, I'll have to pay more attention to these things, but I would really be interested in meeting with the staff in Career Services.

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