Friday, July 11, 2008

So, Berkeley, we're back in the swing of things. A new quarter has started, and while a little grateful for the two-week break, I was anxious about getting back into it. I'm not one who likes to sit around for a long time and do nothing, at least as far as school and work are concerned. Perhaps my biggest fear is that I don't want to wait too long to re-register for classes like I did with Union County College and miss out on a whole semester because I became totally unmotivated. And when you come up with enough excuses like, "Oh, I work" or "I have a family", you can see how school can easily become an afterthought. So then I realized that I have to have a balance--and a schedule. I'm still tweaking and adjusting said schedule, but it seems that I'm finally on the right track.

As far as the trip to Great Adventure that Berkeley College is hosting, it turns out that I'll have to wait yet AGAIN for another opportunity to meet with my fellow students. :( I am disappointed, but as Berkeley hosts many wonderful trips and events, I'm sure I will be able to find something to attend that will put me in the mix of a wonderful student body. So my chin is up, and I look forward to a wonderful quarter.

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