Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's week 4 already?!?!

What happened here? I guess that's what happens when you're busy keeping up with your school assignments and notes and preparing for tests. I have to finalize my internship details and get registered for the next and final quarter of my school career here at Berkeley. It's been an amazing journey, I must say. It's not been without its challenges, but I am not a quitter, and I think I proved that to myself and others close to me.

I just took my first test for Finance 410, and I got an 85 out of 100. I probably would've gotten a higher grade if I'd put it just a bit more study, but overall, I was satisfied with my performance. And considering I was sick over the last couple of days, I think I did pretty well. It was about estate planning, the legal procedures that have to be followed, and really who should be considered candidates for estate planning. It also covered how to avoid unauthorized practices of law, as well as malpractice suits. Sometimes a financial planner, with the best of intentions, can overstep his or her balance in his or her zeal to help a client, and this could backfire and have disastrous results. This could result in a lawsuit and tarnished image not only for the financial planner, but for the firm he or she represents. This information will certainly help me in my career as a financial advisor on how to handle a client who wants a service that I may or may not be qualified to perform; I will avoid costly mistakes by performing only those services for which I am qualified and/or licensed.

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