Thursday, October 29, 2009

It's about that time again....

It's time to register for the winter quarter (I plan to do so tomorrow). So start thinking now about the classes you want to register for, and then hop to it (especially if you want to avoid the late fee and you're an online student). This is my last quarter, as many of you who've been following my blogs know, and I have to register for my internship, as well as the other classes that I'll need. I've already sent in my letter from my employer, which is where I'll be doing my internship (hopefully). I'll be performing duties that pertain to my field of study, which is finance. So I'll be doing cash handling and accounts receivable functions, mostly (perhaps I'll even learn how to run charges).

Speaking of finance, I'm really enjoying my finance courses this time around. Finance 405, which pertains to retirement planning, is of particular interest to me. This is something that is constantly being discussed in today's society, and I want to be prepared when the time comes for retirement. I also want to be an effective financial planner when it comes to helping people manage their finances today for a better retirement tomorrow. Being armed with the right information can make a world of difference when it comes to saving and planning for a rainy day, even with regard to education (if I'd known then what I know now, I'd have planned smarter; but it's never too late to educate yourself). Also, it's nice to know that a lot of the information pertains to real-life situations that I may have personally experienced, so I'm able to get more out of the information.

I'm also really enjoying this drama class (Humanities 310). I get to express myself and my views on the readings that we're being assigned. Even when I think I've missed the mark, the professor is very encouraging. His comments really push us to delve beyond the first impressions.

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