Friday, June 27, 2008

Are you ready, fellow Berkeley College students (and prospective students)? "Ready for what?" you may ask. Well, are you ready for the upcoming quarter? If not, why not? And if so, well done. And to all new students entering for the first time this quarter, welcome aboard. You honestly will not find another college that keeps you up-to-date with the latest technology like Berkeley College (at least, this is what I have found in my own experience). And not only that, but you will also find a wealth of information on Berkeley's blackboard (which is like an online bulletin board, chock full of interesting announcements with regards to things like school trips, clubs, and scholarship and career information). Just a few strokes of the keyboard and a few clicks of the mouse, and a wealth of information is literally at your fingertips. I definitely encourage you to take advantage of this wonderful provision from the College.

That's actually how I got started with this blogging for Berkeley; I saw an advertisement on the Blackboard, and I contacted the person in charge, and they set up an account for me to be able to tell about my experiences at Berkeley, about what it is to be an online student (as I'm super busy and would not possibly be able to come to a college campus every day), and about the wonderful club options that they have available. I said it before, but it bears repeating: I like being one of the voices of Berkeley. It gives you a real sense of belonging, a sense that you're actually being heard--by students and faculty alike. Even with regard to anything that you may be dealing with that may be less than perfect, you can talk about how you've learned to handle it and be positive about it. It's not what happens; it's how you handle it after it happens. And that's with regard to anything--school, work, life, etc. But not to veer off-topic, I hope that this quarter (and succeeding quarters, if it applies) finds you all successful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Blog. I wish you much success.