Thursday, June 26, 2008

So I saw on Berkeley Blackboard that there's student trip to Six Flags Great Adventure. And they're departing from all campuses. What a great way to have fun and meet fellow students in the process!!! I am hoping to be able to take advantage of this great offer that takes place on July 25. I am going to get the rest of the information necessary, and if everything's a-go, I'll be on that bus to Six Flags come that Friday morning--instead of being at work, watching the kids have fun.

I also did some more browsing on the Career Services website, and they actually have a database listing of companies that are hiring. So I'm going to be viewing those pretty thoroughly. Now is the time to get companies looking at your credentials and letting them know that you're interested in working for them.

As far as the Healthy Cafe is concerned, I'm going to use the information I saw posted there to my advantage--particularly with regard to eating healthy and on a budget. We know how much money we can spend on fast food that does absolutey nothing for our physical health. Why not use that same money on ingredients that can go into heart-healthy recipes? Like this week, I didn't go out once to a restaurant to get something to eat; I went straight home and made lunch. This way, I can benefit two ways--my waistline gets smaller and my pockets get bigger. Believe it or not, this is something that I connect to my finance class. My term paper happened to be on ways that one could save money, and I mentioned that one of the ways we could go about saving money is by cutting lunch costs; prepare your lunch at home instead of always eating out for lunch.

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