Friday, June 20, 2008

So I finally got my grade for my term paper in Finance 200; I managed to get 80 out of 100 percent on it. I'm sure I know where I went wrong and what I could've done to get a better grade, but it is still a good grade. And the ideas are still ideas that one could use with regards to saving and investing for the future. As I mentioned in a previous posting here, one of the concerns in the future is that social security will not be available to this current generation when we retire, and we have to support ourselves somehow. So it is wise to store up savings for yourself to live off of during retirement. You don't have to have the most lavish things; if your basic necessities are covered, then you're doing better than most.

All in all, I must say that this has been a particularly harried quarter for me. I mean, it wasn't all bad, but it just seemed like one thing after another kept taking place, and I wasn't able to really give my studies the attention they warranted. Will this put me off of online learning? Not by any means. It just means that now I'll go ahead and put that schedule in effect that I'm always mentioning. "Prior, proper planning prevents poor performance", as my mom would say (not that my grades were so awful, but I know I could've done better). And anyway, it's not like I'm just gonna give up because I had a semester where I didn't perform exactly the way I wanted. If anything, this is a motivation for me to keep on and to really do my best. As I mentioned in my first-ever blog here, I want to be an inspiration to not only my two nieces, but my mom and my sister, as well, so that they can say, "Assata went back to school and succeeded; there's no reason I can't."

I'm also going to look into joining more online clubs, as well as participating more in the Healthy Cafe. If my fellow club members could see me now, they'd tsk, tsk, tsk at me. I'm not the world's greatest example of healthy living, which is why I joined, so that I could pick up some helpful suggestions. The suggestions I've been reading so far are wonderful, but I'll admit that I have a little problem with follow-through.

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