Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Welcome to new and returning students...

If you're a new student, welcome to Berkeley College, and here's hoping that this quarter and succeeding quarters are successful for you. If you're a returning student, welcome back and best wishes and good grades in your current courses. If you're a graduating student (like me, haha), congratulations and best wishes in future endeavors. It's an exciting--as well as scary--time for us, stepping out into the working world or furthering your career. But with the help from faculty and fellow students at Berkeley, we'll be well prepared.

For the newer students, what you want to remember is to take your studies seriously--but have a little fun, too, when the time allows it. As Mike mentioned on Twitter, there are always postings about different activities going on at different Berkeley campuses. One such activity is the Ice Breaker this coming Friday at 3:00 p.m. The coordinator for the event is Victoria Gray, and from the looks of the picture, a good time will be had by all. If you're unable to go, fret not, for there will be other opportunities to get to know your fellow students on a more personal level.

Also, there are online clubs that you can get involved in, such as the Healthy Cafe and the Finance and Accounting Club. There's also an online book club, where a particular book is read and discussed via Discussion Board. So there are many ways to make your education at Berkeley College well-rounded. Again, best of wishes.

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