Thursday, January 14, 2010

Finance class and internship....

So stocks/securities are not just about buying and selling. It's also about how much you can afford to buy and sell and acquire enough capital to produce more securities for buying and selling. A company cannot afford to overprice its stocks simply because they hope to raise capital; otherwise, they will be stuck with stocks they cannot unload and that potential investors will not purchase; consequently, they would have to lower the prices, which will result in a loss for current investors.

At the same time, however, a company cannot underprice its stocks or securities because at a price lower than the average price of securities, demand will exceed supply and this will result in prices being raised. This would benefit the current investors, however, because they would be able to sell at a gain. These are important considerations when a person is interested in possibly investing in the stock market.

So we are discussing our various internships, and it turns out that a lot of us are actually graduating after this quarter. A lot of the internships mentioned sound really interesting, and I wish my classmates all the best in this and future endeavors. We actually have to keep a weekly journal for class, discussing all that we have learned and are learning on the job. This makes it more than just logging hours for the company and then graduating with a job. For those of you who are just starting, you will come to see what I mean in the future.

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