Saturday, November 22, 2008

I have to get moving....

I still haven't registered for the coming quarter; I know, you might say, "What's wrong with you?" But again, this has been a particularly tough time for me. It's not an excuse; it's just that some things have taken place that have sort of thrown me for a loop. I won't let that happen to me again, though, no matter how bad things may get. I intend to rectify this come Monday.

So we're discussing marketing research this week, and the different ways that firms market to customers and prospective customers based on their spending habits and patterns. Truthfully, although it can help in determining a customer's interests and helps a company to determine what may best suit a customer's needs, it is also somewhat invasive and impersonal. A computer is allowed to gather information about you based on what you spend, and one of the main ways they can do so is through the use of the store cards that many stores offer these days. Credit card purchases are also tracked, so as to allow a company to send you coupons for use on products that you normally buy or similar products.

This keeping of a daily spending log for Finance is a really helpful tool (I've mentioned it before, but it bears repeating). I have cut back on unnecessary spending in so many ways because of it, and I might have a dollar or two to retire with, after all.

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