Friday, November 21, 2008


I am disappointed with myself this quarter (and no, not because of my grades or anything). I'm disappointed because despite joining two online clubs in an effort to be more than just a student in academics only, I haven't really participated in them the way that I feel that I should. So, I'm just taking this time out to apologize to any faculty and students who might be reading. I've had some personal setbacks this term that I won't really get into in this blog, but mark my words: I WILL DO BETTER. I will start making more use of the Student Services, Financial Aid, and Career Services sections on Blackboard, as well (and Carol, I haven't forgotten you, either; I just need to get you an updated pic).

Well, back to the class front, we're doing some research online with regard to stocks for Finance. While we're all pretty hopeful that the market will eventually turn itself around, you can't blame us if we sound less than hopeful. From what I've heard economic analyst say, they haven't seen the economy this bad since the Great Depression--and they fear that it'll be worse than that. I wonder what the Finance Club's take is on the economic crisis facing us. I'll definitely be checking in these next couple of weeks.

In sociology (Marriage and Families), we're learning about child rearing and differences in parenting and discipline styles. This chapter was a challenge to me, considering that the way I was raised is what some people look down on. But for the most part, I saw myself in the light of a child who was loved and well taken care of, particularly inspiring considering my mom was a single mother of THREE. But she went to school, worked part-time, and kept us clothed and fed, and kept a roof over our heads, contrary to some of the findings in the book concerning African Americans and parenting.

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