Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I just got my grades from both my GHA #4 and my term paper for Management 220. I got an 88 on my GHA and a 90 for my term paper. Needless to say, I am estatic. It also looks as if I'm getting a B+ for the term. My final for algebra is available until next Wednesday, which is good, because I sure could use the extra study time. At the same time, though, I am getting the hang of it. Once I get into other math subjects, it'll be a piece of cake to me, and I'll wonder why I ever fretted over it. Math hasn't always been my strongest subject, and I think I understand why. It's because of the way I viewed and approached it in the past. Once you understand the breakdown of certain math concepts, however--which are generally applicable to any type of math course--you can accomplish just about anything.

I'm now awaiting word on my final paper for Finance 200. My topic had to do with investing and savings and how we can even invest and save on smaller paychecks. It has to do with a variety of things: creating a budget, living within our means, paying down debt, finding the right financial institution for our needs, setting up retirement accounts/maximizing our 401(k) plans, and investing in securities. There was also a breakdown of how this could be done. I plan to utilize the strategy that I saw in Essence magazine's "Work & Wealth" section. It was a pie chart with a breakdown of what funds should be allocated where.

I plan to also start posting more on the Wellness discussion board with the Healthy Cafe Club. I want to be in better condition for the upcoming courses so that I can be an overall good student. After all, we know that a healthy body is linked to a healthy, functioning mind. And a healthy, functioning mind does well in any class, whether it is a course that's relatively easy or a class that requires some effort. I also want to get more information regarding how we eat being directly related to how much we spend. Things are looking up right now, and I want to keep working toward that.

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