Tuesday, June 9, 2009

UGH....I'm so annoyed....

Well, not really, but I missed yet ANOTHER chance to meet face-to-face with other Berkeley College students (outside of the computer lab of the Newark campus, that is). As those of you online may know--and those of you who don't take classes online, but check out Blackboard from time to time, at any rate, may know--Berkeley has weekly activities for us students to be involved in (outside of our classrooms and hard work; not to say that these should be downplayed, but all work and no play makes a person a little irritable and burned out). So there's a jazz quartet playing at the Newark campus from 11:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. Works out perfectly for me if I plan ahead, correct? Well, no, because they're playing TOMORROW. :( I couldn't even play this off as a class trip if I wanted to. Besides, Berkeley College teaches us to have a work ethic, and while it's nice to be a part of school activities, I can't justify leaving work early to do so. I'm sure that Berkeley will have something that I can attend during the summer and plan ahead for.

Remember that saying, "Slow and steady wins the race"? Well, I'm finding this to be true with regard to my assignments. I rushed ahead saying how easy I found this recent Access tutorial...only to stumble on the homework assignment and have to ask for help. I'm going to reread the case again and hopefully my professor can provide some insight into where I went wrong, as well.

At least I seem to be doing well in all of my classes this quarter; it really helps that I finally have my own computer, instead of having to bounce from the library to the house computer to the school to my brother's laptop. It also helps that all of the programs I need are right here on my computer, and that I can practice regularly. Maybe that's what I need to do on a daily basis with regard to my Computer Information Systems courses. Proficiency is key; it's one thing to mess up on a homework assignment, but quite another to make a total mess of things on the job.

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