Friday, June 19, 2009

One more week of classes....

I can't believe it; it seems like I just started my Access class, and now it's over (I just turned in the final reinforcement). I have a couple more assignments for other classes, and then I can relax for the next couple of weeks until the summer session starts. Everyone at work and at home keeps asking me when I'm going to graduate, and I keep telling them the end of the year. I think they're as excited for me as I am for myself. After having worked hard to get myself back in school, and as much as I enjoy it, I'm looking forward to graduation and seeing the payoff of all my hard work: a great job in my field of choice. I really am looking forward to something in the financial field; however, having taking the computer technology courses and other courses, I feel that I could easily adapt to any working environment.

So I just read Vanessa's blog, and I'm very excited for her. Again, she is an example of one of the sharp minds of Berkeley College students. AND she's a young person who is on a fast track to a great career path. She's taking both her school and work responsibilities seriously, and I am as proud of her as if she were a family member of mine (well, in a way, she is, because I consider Berkeley College students one big, happy family). It's also nice to see Aleksandra still posting here on the boards, even though she's graduated. When I read about how she's doing in her job, it's very encouraging. She, like Vanessa, is a young person who forged ahead and got her education and is now reaping the benefits of her hard work and dedication.

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